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Photo credit: Ema Whittaker Photography

We promote the well-being of Wilton's students
by empowering youth, parents and community.

Growing up has always had its joys and heartaches, but today’s teens confront a new landscape of social media, vaping, and rising rates of anxiety and depression. Wilton Youth Council equips students and parents with skills and information to make healthy decisions. Our professionally-led youth programs provide opportunities for leadership development and drug-free fun. We educate and support parents with inspiring speakers and events. Through our collaborations with partner organizations, we create a greater sense of community and strengthen connections among families.

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Group Lecture

Our educational events provide valuable information about proven, effective strategies

for nurturing connection and resilience.

Teens & Library

Through welcoming, inclusive programs that promote healthy choices, we seek to prevent risky behavior among youth.


We partner with other local organizations in community efforts to support youth and families.


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Coffee, Community, & Conversation

Saturday, March 8

9:30-10:30 am

Tusk & Cup

142 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton


Join members of the community for Coffee, Community and Conversation to build community through connection!


These informal monthly gatherings offer community members a chance to discuss what's on their mind and build relationships with other Wilton residents.




Shoulder Check: Making Kindness a Contact Sport

Wednesday, March 12

7 - 8 pm

Little Theater, Wilton High School

Presenter: Rob Thorsen, Founder of #HT40 Foundation

Open to all adults


Wilton Youth Council is excited to partner with Wilton Public Schools to bring Rob Thorsen, Founder of the #HT40 Foundation, to visit Wilton High School on March 12th. Rob will talk about his initiative Shoulder Check which is dedicated to bringing kids together through kindness and compassion and to inspire a culture of support through small actions that have a big impact. He will be introducing the concept of Should Check, which encourages young people to be there for their peers through action-oriented initiatives that foster social connectedness. Learn how to help foster a culture of caring in youth at this presentation!


Rob will speak to Wilton High School students on March 12th. That same evening parents are invited to The Little Theater to listen to Rob speak and share what he presented to our kids. 


These presentations are made possible by a grant provided by The County Assemblies. 



Wilton Is Where You Belong: Community Champions 


Nominate at Community Champion

This is an opportunity to celebrate all that is GOOD in our community! Once of month Good Morning Wilton will spotlight a Community Champion(s) for their positive influence, work or commitment to our community. This may be an unsung hero or someone that makes small ongoing decisions that have a positive impact in Wilton. This is your chance to celebrate someone you feel makes Wilton a better place on an ongoing basis! 


Click here to fill in the nomination form

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