block party
WYC's Big Block Party Weekend is an initiative aimed at connecting neighbors for face-to-face interaction and creating more opportunity for children's free play.
2023 Block Party Weekends are over, but Block Parties are Perfect Any time of Year!
Save the dates for 2024 Weekends
5th Annual
June 8 - 9, 2024
September 7 - 8, 2024
Let's introduce our new neighbors to our Wilton spirit and get those kids playing outside. We are so grateful to be able to gather again. Remember: KEEP IT SIMPLE!
Building community one block at a time.

In an effort to bring Wilton families together, WYC has helped neighbors all over town to organize old-fashioned block parties during Wilton’s Big Block Party Weekends.
There is no better time to get out and meet your neighbors!
Why have a block party? The benefits are endless! Here are the top reasons:
Welcome all of our new neighbors to Wilton, as well as connect with those we’ve known for longer
Increase a sense of belonging in the community
Get outside, make friends and have fun - no excuses are needed to celebrate
Find neighborhood playmates for your children
Opportunity for face-to-face connection and conversation
Meet some of the long standing neighbors and learn about your community history
Decrease stress of snow days, storms and emergency situations
Create a neighborhood contact list
How to have a block party? Be a Block Party Captain! Here are some helpful tips:
Keep it simple and low-key (try not to go overboard, it can make people feel the event is too much work).
Recruit another neighbor or 2 to help.
Decide on a location (road, common space, or yard).
Decide what day and time works best for your neighborhood.
Decide on the type of event - picnic, barbecue, potluck, etc.
Establish block boundaries (use natural neighborhood boundaries where possible) to include approximately 20-30 houses. Remember those on adjacent busier roads.
Have a child create the flyer to put in mailboxes.
Distribute the flyer in all invited mailboxes — children love to do this task!
Remember, keep it simple. Think old-fashioned block parties.
Finally, be sure to follow any state and CDC guidelines.

We suggest making a flyer to put in 20-30 mailboxes of neighbors (especially helpful f you don’t know your neighbors) Tips for your flyer:
Share some of the reasons to have a block party (see above).
Solicit opinions on how to handle the food.
Suggest possible dates and times to have the event.
Use the flyer to encourage attendance.
Include your contact information so your neighbors can email or call you if they would like to help. Most participating neighborhoods have had 2 or 3 residents offer to help.
Note Regarding Road Closures:
Wilton Police discourage residents from officially closing their roads - emergency vehicles need to be able to pass. Permits for road closures will only be considered for dead end roads. To obtain such a permit, signatures are required from all residents, plus various town departments. Instead, some neighborhoods have decided to have their block party in someone's yard, at the end of a driveway, or on the side of their road without obstructing traffic. Experienced block party planners suggest using a combination of balloons, signs that read "Caution Block Party in Progress," and orange cones to alert drivers to the party in progress.
Block Party Survival Checklist:
Signage for oncoming cars
Name tags (consider including name, address, how long you’ve lived here)
Sign in sheet (names, kids’ ages, address, phone number, email address and if your child babysits)
Bug spray and/or citronella candles
First aid kit
Music player
Garbage bags and recycle bin
Plates, napkins, plastic/silverware, cups
Paper towels/wet wipes for cleanup
Coolers or beverage containers w/ plenty of ice — don’t forget a bottle opener
Community table(s) for food/drinks and tablecloth(s)
Hand sanitizer or wipes
Outdoor games - i.e. Cornhole, Giant Jenga, sack races, egg toss
Flashlights, headlamps or glow necklaces for children after dark
Consider hiring a lifeguard, if children will be near a pool
Playpen for infants​

Block Party Weekend News:
Wilton Youth Council Organizes Return of Wilton’s Big Block Party Weekend
Good Morning Wilton
Get Ready for Wilton’s 2nd Annual Big Block Party Weekend
Good Morning Wilton
Another block party weekend planned
Wilton Bulletin
It’s a Party, Come on By! Take Part in Wilton’s Next Big Block Party Weekend
Good Morning Wilton